Having a day of rest at my sister's place was great. I even got the full experience at Medieval Times! It was quite a site...the knights and fair ladies, birds of prey, torture devices...they had it all! It's no surprise though, that my favorite part was checking out the horses. It was cool to be able to do that with my sister, and speak a language that I don't get to speak with too many. Horse talk is a specific thing, and can't be shared with just anyone. There was a beautiful dapple grey, that we both knew would have been dad's favorite. He always loved those grey horses. He passed that down to us, along with his knowledge of equine, and how to make them do their best, while you were learning to be your best as well. I miss being around horses more than I realized. It's something I've been able to quell here and there, but once you have horses in your blood, the need won't be silenced for long. I feel like I will have them back in my world, sooner than later.
The end of the night came with many, many hands of gin rummy played with my sister and my nephew Mike. I hadn't played in a long time, and I must have had all the beginners luck....